Posts tagged: backgammon

The Voice of the Tides 3/4/24

The Voice of the Tides  3/4/24
This week, I'm thinking about water.  Today, we are heading to Florida, where I'll be doing a trunk show at the Gasparilla Inn.   I'm looking forward to some down time too, walking the beach and watching the waves.   There's no sense in me searching for a good metaphor for that restorative feeling of being by the sea, because I know that you already know precisely what it is that I'm trying to say.

There's just so much good stuff to learn from the sea.  You can skip reading right now, and go pick up Anne Morrow Lindbergh's "A Gift from the Sea".  You'll be glad you did.   But I've got a Love Note left here to create, so I guess I'll pick up my proverbial pencil and let my thoughts flow ...  how about this (I have been giving it some thought all week) ...  the ebb and flood of tides are a mirror of life.  Rushing and receding.  No phase lasting forever.   READ MORE

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